whistleblower system of the Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH and related companies.
Hinweisgebersystem der Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH
Hintern Hecken 3, D-39179 Barleben, Telefon +49 (0) 39202 / 692-0
Do you want to provide information in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG)?
Important note in advance:
The information about the violation to be reported must have been obtained in connection with your professional activity or prior to a professional activity.
It must be a violation that occurred either at your current or former employer or at another entity with which you have or had a relationship due to your professional activity.
Please note that information about private misconduct is not covered by the Whistleblower Protection Act.
This is not an emergency service. Please contact the relevant authorities (e.g. the police) if you are in immediate danger!
Your hint will be treated confidentially and withing three months you will receive an answer.
Click me to see your already reported case and maybe an answer.
More information about this whistleblowing system...
Employees, business partners and external third parties can use this whistleblower system to report a violation of laws or compliance guidelines for which the company or its employees are responsible. These include, in particular, violations of human rights, environmental or labour law obligations, anti-corruption or money laundering laws. You can also report a corresponding violation at one of the companies supplying this company with goods or services via this whistleblower system. Please bear in mind that a report may have consequences for employees, business partners and other affected parties. Therefore, please submit your report with the utmost care and only provide information that you believe to be accurate to the best of your knowledge.
If you would like to submit a tip, please fill out the following form. Assign and remember the password you have chosen yourself, which is long enough to be able to retrieve the answer together with the case ID. Your password will be stored in encrypted form and CANNOT be reset or otherwise determined.
Write your case description in your own words. You can also submit a file, e.g. a photo, as an attachment. Please bear in mind that the files you send may allow further conclusions to be drawn about you. As long as you do not enter any data that could lead to conclusions about your person, the procedure guarantees sufficient technical protection of your anonymity. The information provided will be treated as strictly confidential and we assure you that we are only interested in the information you have reported.
If you provide your name and contact details, you consent to these details being passed on to the company.
If you wish to remain anonymous, please note the following:
- Do not provide any personal data, e.g. your name or your relationship to the incident or perpetrators.
- Do not provide any data that could be used to draw conclusions about your person.
- Make sure you have a secure internet connection, represented by the lock symbol in your browser (bottom or top right or in the address bar).
The use of this whistleblowing system is free of charge for you as a whistleblower.
For information on data protection, please refer to the data protection declarations linked below.
Here you can give a hint.
Simply fill out the form below.
You can submit a tip anonymously and, if you remember the case ID and your password, retrieve the answer later.
Your password is stored in encrypted form and can NOT be reset or otherwise determined!
If you wish to remain anonymous, the procedure used here protects you technically.
To further increase your security, please consider the following points when entering your hint:
- Do not enter any personal data, e.g. your name or your relationship to the incident or possible perpetrators.
- Also, do not enter any data that could be used to draw conclusions about your person.
- Make sure you have a secure internet connection, indicated by the lock symbol in your browser (bottom or top right).
Alternatively to this form, you can also give us the relevant information by telephone or by appointment in person. In addition to the possible reporting via us as an internal reporting office, the HinSchG provides for the possibility of an external report to the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ): https://www.bundesjustizamt.de/DE/MeldestelledesBundes
Impressum / Datenschutzerklärung